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Cooking system is an optional type of content in NosVoid. The player would need a Cooking SP to cut ingredients and then cook them. Cooked dishes will provide the player with various types of effects.
You can access the Cooking Area from NosVille.

Cooking SP

You can craft the Cooking SP, Cooking SP Skin and the Void Chef Title at the Craft Specialist Card & Title NPC.

You can also get a Daily Quest from this NPC:

Masterchef Skin

You can obtain the Image Masterchef Skin from the Chef Specialist Card & Title NPC in the Cooking Area. This skin gives:

  • Cooking EXP is Increased by 10%
  • There's a 5% chance of not consuming material when cooking
  • There's 5% chance of getting an additional meal when cooking

The skin won't disappear when you put the Cooking SP with the Skin into the Card Holder.

Cooking SP Skills

Job Level: 1 Image Chop Ingredients | You can chop Lettuce/Tomato/Onions/Mango/Fish
Job Level: 1 Image Roast | To cook basic meals
Job Level: 1 Image Finish Cooking | Click on the skill when the meal is ready
Job Level: 5 Image Simmer | To cook soup meals
Job Level: 5 Image Voil! | You can show what you cooked to everyone!
Job Level: 10 Image Cooking Preparation | Cooking Experience gain is increased by 50%
Job Level: 14 Image Stir Fry | To cook endgame meals
Job Level: 16 Image Secret Spice | Chance of major success when cooking increased by 3%
Job Level: 18 Image Healthy Eating | Provides a 50% chance spices aren't consumed when cooking
Job Level: 20 Image Sharpen Knife | Provides a 10% chance to receive extra ingredients and chance to receive extra meals.

Meal Buffs

Roast Skill

Image Roast Pork
Image Piranha Fish Skewer
Image Horseshoe Burger
Image Sweet Marinated Roast
Image Mixed Piranha Skewer
Image Carp Skewer
Image Roast Lamb
Image Salmon Fillet
Image Chocolate Shark Fillet
Image BBQ Coelacanth

Simmer Skill

Image Moss Porridge
Image Owlbear and Moss Stew
Image Fish Stew
Image Noodles
Image Blowfish Stew
Image Carp Stew
Image Cold Desert Stew

Stir Fry Skill

Image Fried Strawberries
Image Double Apple Omelette
Image Pancakes
Image Crispy Noodles
Image Spicy Fried Fish
Image Fried Fish Noodle

Fullness Points

When you eat meals, you get Fullness Points, that fill your Fullness Bar.


You constantly lose 10 points per second.

This bar has three filling levels. Each of them gives a buff.